Thank you for your interest in becoming a vendor at the NCFS Food Truck Park. This application serves as an expression of interest and does not guarantee approval or constitute a lease or use agreement. If selected, vendors will receive a separate use agreement for review and execution.
Vendors may only sell items listed in their approved proposal. Any unapproved merchandise must be removed at the discretion of the Owner/Manager. The Owner/Manager reserves the right to approve or deny any new goods or products. Additionally, all menu changes must be approved through CTUIR Health and Safety.
The following documents will be required upon approval of a lease/use agreement. Please indicate whether each item is currently available or in progress:
Provide details on your proposed operations at the Food Truck Park:
Hours of Operation & Open Days of the Week:
Months, Days or Weeks you will not be present at the Food Truck Park:
The application must be fully completed and signed. Incomplete applications may be subject to disqualification. By signing below, I authorize NCFS to obtain information regarding the statements and/or accounts provided in this application. I acknowledge that all leases or use agreements are subject to NCFS approval and that any verbal or email communication between NCFS staff and myself do not constitute a binding agreement.
As part of a grant-funded project, the Food Truck Park is committed to serving its target market, which includes enrolled tribal members, employees of CTUIR entities, Umatilla reservation residents, and immediate family members of said markets. While these target market factors may be considered in the evaluation process, they are not a requirement for application or approval. All applicants must also enroll as a small business client of NCFS here:
NCFS Small Business Enrollment.
Thanks for submitting! We will be in touch soon!